Working with Narcissistic and Grandiose Clients in Psychoanalytic Therapy

In my practice at the Online Therapy Clinic, I’ve often worked with individuals who display narcissistic or grandiose traits. These clients can present unique challenges, but the therapeutic process can also be deeply rewarding. Over time, I’ve come to understand that beneath their often intimidating exterior lies a […]

The Psychology Behind Investing: Why Letting Go of Familiar Investments Can Be So Hard

Investing isn’t just a numbers game; it’s deeply tied to our psychology. Whether you’re contemplating investing in something new or struggling to let go of an investment you’ve held for years, understanding the underlying psychological factors can offer valuable insights. As therapists who specialise in both Cognitive Behavioural […]

Rethinking Psychoanalytic Boundaries in Online Therapy

As a psychodynamic psychotherapist, I was trained to maintain strict therapeutic boundaries, ensuring that no communication with clients occurred outside of scheduled sessions. In the traditional in-person setting, the consulting room creates a contained and secure environment where clients can explore their thoughts and feelings. At that time, […]

Living in the Age of Anger: How Online Therapy Can Help Calm the Storm

If you spend any time on social media, the news, or even chatting with neighbours, it’s hard to ignore one thing: anger is everywhere. We live in a time where frustration and rage define much of our public and private lives. Whether it’s social media outbursts or the […]

The Illusion of Connection: Navigating Love and Authenticity in the Digital Age

Recently, I came across an image that has been circulating online. It’s a comic-style drawing of a woman lying face-down on her bed, with the thought: “I just want someone to love and accept me for who I pretend to be on the internet.” It’s intended as humour, […]

How Couples Utilised Online Therapy Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic changed how we live, work, and connect with those closest to us. I saw firsthand how these changes impacted couples, as the lockdowns created an environment that tested many relationships in new and unexpected ways. During the pandemic, online therapy quickly became a lifeline for […]

Understanding Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and Counselling: A Historical and Modern Perspective

Introduction The landscape of mental health treatment has evolved over centuries, giving rise to various therapeutic modalities. Among the most prominent are psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and counselling. Each of these approaches, while sharing some similarities, offers unique ways of understanding and addressing mental health. In this post, we’ll […]

Overcoming the Past: How Psychodynamic Therapy and Journaling Can Help S Break Free from Unfulfilled Desires and Emotional Patterns

1. Introduction to the Case S, a 40-year-old graphic designer living in London, has faced numerous emotional and psychological challenges stemming from her early life experiences. Originally from Brazil, S lost her father at the age of 7 and was subsequently raised by her single mother along with […]

Human developmental milestones

Human developmental milestones are key markers that typically occur at certain stages of life, tracking physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth. While these can vary between individuals, here are the general stages from infancy to adolescence: Infancy (0-12 months) Physical/Movement: Cognitive: Social/Emotional: Toddler (1-3 years) Physical/Movement: Cognitive: Social/Emotional: […]

Integrating Psychodynamic Therapy with Modern Scientific Understanding to Support Autistic Individuals

Psychodynamic theory, rooted in the work of Freud and later expanded by psychoanalysts like Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and Bruno Bettelheim, has historically offered perspectives on autism that are largely outdated by today’s standards. However, it’s still worth understanding their contributions to the broader discourse on autism. Early […]