Abstract Art

Abstract art is a style of art that emphasizes the use of colors, shapes, and forms without representing recognizable objects or figures. In abstract art, the artist seeks to express emotions, feelings, and ideas through non-representational elements. From a psychoanalytic perspective, perception is a complex process that involves […]

Intimacy issues

Intimacy issues are common in many relationships and can cause significant distress for both partners.Intimacy issues can often be a symptom of underlying issues in a relationship, such as unresolved conflicts or unmet emotional needs. Relationship counselling can help couples identify and work through these underlying issues together.Effective […]

The Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion Effect is a psychological phenomenon in which expectations about an individual influence their performance. From a psychoanalytic perspective, the Pygmalion Effect results from unconscious processes and motivations that shape our beliefs and attitudes towards others, influencing our behaviour towards them. The psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the importance […]