Navigating the Borderline Between Spiritual Experience and Psychosis in Psychodynamic Therapy

In the therapeutic space, we sometimes encounter individuals who describe intense physical or spiritual experiences that can be challenging to interpret. These experiences may reside at the boundary between a meaningful spiritual journey and potential psychosis, presenting complex questions about safeguarding and clinical responsibility. In one recent case, […]

Femininity, Identity, Image: Reflections on the Art of Cindy Sherman

In the Cindy Sherman at Cycladic: Early Works exhibition, the artist challenges conventional notions of femininity and identity through her provocative self-portraits. This blog post explores how societal expectations shape our self-concept, inviting readers to reflect on the impact of external influences on their identities.

Navigating the Maze of the Mind: Insights from Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

If you feel lost in your emotional labyrinth, learn how therapy can guide you to healing and connection.

Breaking the Cycle of Avoidance: How CBT and Psychodynamic Therapy Can Help

Avoidance is one of the most common coping mechanisms people use to escape uncomfortable emotions, situations, or thoughts. It may provide short-term relief, but over time, avoidance tends to make things worse, leaving us stuck and feeling overwhelmed. At our Online Therapy Clinic, we understand that breaking the […]

Finding Home: Freud, Migration, and the Search for Belonging

Introduction The inspiration for this blog post comes from a new exhibition at the Freud Museum in London, The Place I Am Not, featuring the work of Cypriot artist Maria Loizidou. This evocative exhibition, co-hosted with the Hellenic Centre, delves into themes of identity, belonging, and the immigrant […]