When Partners Become Strangers: Understanding “Flatmate Syndrome” Through a Psychoanalytic Lens

“Flatmate Syndrome” describes the emotional and physical disconnection that can occur in relationships when partners start living more like housemates than lovers. This blog explores the phenomenon through a psychoanalytic lens, using object relations theory and Winnicott’s concept of the “good enough mother” to uncover deeper dynamics. Emotional withdrawal, fading intimacy, and parallel lives often...

The Psychology of Mate Poaching: A Psychoanalytic Perspective Why Are We Drawn to the Unavailable?

Mate poaching, the act of pursuing someone already in a relationship, reveals deep-seated emotional patterns and unresolved conflicts. From a psychoanalytic perspective, this phenomenon often reflects our unconscious desires and fears, prompting us to seek validation in ways that can harm our relationships. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for fostering healthier connections and personal growth.

The Self on Social Media: A Psychodynamic Perspective on the True and False Self

In today’s digital world, the allure of social media is hard to resist. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok offer seemingly endless opportunities for self-expression, connection, and validation. Yet, beneath the surface, they can also amplify feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, and disappointment. Donald Winnicott’s theory of the “true […]

Breaking the Cycle of Avoidance: How CBT and Psychodynamic Therapy Can Help

Avoidance is one of the most common coping mechanisms people use to escape uncomfortable emotions, situations, or thoughts. It may provide short-term relief, but over time, avoidance tends to make things worse, leaving us stuck and feeling overwhelmed. At our Online Therapy Clinic, we understand that breaking the […]