Hope and Fear: The Emotional Traps in Relationships with Narcissists

Introduction Being in a relationship with a narcissist can feel overwhelming. In the beginning, they are often charming and attentive, making their partner feel like they’ve found someone special. However, as time passes, the dynamic becomes emotionally draining and, in many cases, damaging. If you’re in this type […]

Facebook vs Instagram: A Psychological Exploration Through Object Relations Theory and Attachment Styles

In the realm of social media, few platforms have shaped how we connect and communicate more profoundly than Facebook and Instagram. Both now owned by Meta (formerly Facebook, Inc.), these platforms offer distinct experiences, attracting different types of users. To understand why someone might favour one platform over […]

Working with Narcissistic and Grandiose Clients in Psychoanalytic Therapy

In my practice at the Online Therapy Clinic, I’ve often worked with individuals who display narcissistic or grandiose traits. These clients can present unique challenges, but the therapeutic process can also be deeply rewarding. Over time, I’ve come to understand that beneath their often intimidating exterior lies a […]

The British Psychoanalytic Tradition: A Historical Overview

The British psychoanalytic tradition, deeply influenced by figures such as Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott, places a strong emphasis on object relations theory. This approach explores how early interactions with caregivers shape an individual's emotional and psychological development. Klein introduced concepts like the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, which focus on the internalisation of relationships, while...

Exploring the Divergent Paths of Psychoanalysis: British vs. French Traditions

British and French psychoanalysis offer distinct perspectives: British psychoanalysis, shaped by Klein and Winnicott, emphasises object relations and early development, while French psychoanalysis, influenced by Lacan, focuses on the symbolic order and language’s impact on identity. As a trilingual psychodynamic psychotherapist, I’ve found that switching languages in therapy reveals unique insights, blending these traditions to...

The British psychoanalytic tradition

Introduction Psychoanalysis, as a theoretical framework and clinical practice, offers a deep understanding of human psychology, particularly the unconscious mind’s influence on thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Developed by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century, it focuses on uncovering unconscious conflicts through techniques like free association and dream […]

The Psychoanalytic Perspective on Ghosting: A Deeper Dive into Emotional Impact

Ghosting, while seemingly a modern phenomenon, taps into deep-rooted psychological dynamics that psychoanalytic theory helps illuminate. When someone is ghosted, it triggers primal fears of abandonment and rejection, often stemming from early childhood experiences. According to Freud, these unresolved conflicts resurface in adulthood, leading to intense feelings of self-blame and inadequacy. The lack of closure...

The Rise of Misogyny: A Psychological Exploration of Andrew Tate

The Rise of Misogyny: A Psychological Exploration of Andrew Tate In recent years, the internet has seen a troubling surge in misogynistic attitudes, driven in part by influential figures like Andrew Tate. A former kickboxing champion turned social media influencer, Tate has become infamous for his controversial views on women. His recent arrest for human...

What Couples Should Expect from Their Online Couples Therapist: The Initial Experience

Embarking on couples therapy is a significant step for any relationship, and doing so in an online setting introduces its own unique dynamics. Understanding what to expect from the process and how your online therapist will facilitate your sessions can help couples feel more prepared and comfortable as […]

The Start of Online Psychodynamic Therapy: Understanding Your Mind

Online therapy has become a game-changer in mental health, making support more accessible to people everywhere. Among the different approaches to therapy, psychodynamic therapy stands out because it helps you understand the unconscious thoughts and feelings that shape your life. If you’re new to online therapy, the first […]