Sexual Fright is Understood by Object Relations and Treated by CBT / Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy combination

Object relations theory can help understand sexual fright or fear of sexual intimacy. According to this theory, our early experiences with caregivers shape our internalised representations of relationships and objects, which influence our behaviours and attitudes towards others throughout our lives. If an individual has experienced early negative […]

the different attachment styles 

Attachment theory suggests that early experiences in childhood with caregivers can shape an individual’s approach to relationships throughout their life. Attachment style refers to how individuals relate to and connect with others in intimate relationships. Researchers have identified several attachment styles that can impact how individuals form relationships, […]

Anxious Attachment Style, Treatment by Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and CBT

Anxious attachment style is a term used in psychology to describe a pattern of behaviour that develops when an individual experiences inconsistent or unreliable caregiving during childhood. Individuals with an anxious attachment style often have difficulty forming secure relationships and may experience intense anxiety and fear of rejection […]

Cognitive Dissonance, Approach of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Compared and Contrasted to CBT

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals hold conflicting beliefs or attitudes or their behaviour conflicts with their beliefs or attitudes. This discomfort can lead to various negative consequences, including anxiety, stress, and depression. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are two approaches to […]