Living in the Age of Anger: How Online Therapy Can Help Calm the Storm

If you spend any time on social media, the news, or even chatting with neighbours, it’s hard to ignore one thing: anger is everywhere. We live in a time where frustration and rage define much of our public and private lives. Whether it’s social media outbursts or the tension between loved ones over political and societal issues, anger has become a dominant emotional force in today’s world.

This wave of anger is not just about personal irritations but often reflects deeper societal issues. As psychoanalyst Josh Cohen pointed out in his recent article for The Observer, anger has become the texture of our daily existence. It’s the fuel behind much of our political discourse, social media debates, and even family conflicts. But why is this happening, and more importantly, how can we manage it?

The Nature of Modern Anger

Cohen explains that there are two types of anger: “banked” and “dispersed.” The former is directed towards a cause, often gathered, and stoked by political leaders or social movements to drive change. It’s purposeful and organised, even if potentially harmful. The latter, “dispersed rage,” lacks focus. It’s the kind of anger we often feel today—frustration without a clear direction, leading to outbursts that don’t solve anything but only deepen feelings of isolation and helplessness.

Social media platforms amplify this dispersed rage, offering a stage for venting without the need to reflect or understand the true source of our frustrations. The anger we see in these spaces is rarely about problem-solving but more about release, leaving people feeling stuck in a cycle of resentment and despair.

The Role of Therapy in Navigating Anger

At the Online Therapy Clinic, we recognise the pervasive impact of this “age of rage” on individuals and relationships. Anger can corrode our personal lives, making it harder to connect meaningfully with loved ones or find peace within ourselves. Whether it’s a silent tension between partners or feelings of being misunderstood and overwhelmed, anger often signals deeper emotional struggles.

Our clinic offers two distinct but complementary approaches to managing these emotional challenges:

  • Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Led by Dr Ruxandra Ion, M.D. M.Sc. Ph.D. a psychiatrist registered with the Royal College of Psychiatrists and an accredited BABCP CBT practitioner, CBT focuses on helping individuals identify and change the negative thought patterns driving their anger. This structured approach is particularly effective in treating anxiety, depression, and other emotional difficulties that may manifest as irritability or rage.
  • Online Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Provided by me, Ari Sotiriou M.A., an accredited psychodynamic psychotherapist with BPC, UKCP and member of BACP, this approach explores the unconscious roots of anger. Often, our frustrations stem from unresolved conflicts or unmet emotional needs from earlier in life. By understanding these deeper layers, clients can develop healthier ways to express and manage their feelings.

From Anger to Emotional Growth

Anger, as Cohen suggests, is not always destructive. When properly understood and managed, it can be a path to emotional growth. Anger signals that something is wrong, but without insight, it can easily turn into aggression or withdrawal. Therapy provides a space to reflect on these emotions and gain the tools needed to transform them into more constructive actions.

In the context of relationships, anger often arises from unmet expectations or unexpressed needs. Couples therapy, one of the services we offer at the Online Therapy Clinic, is designed to help partners navigate these emotional landscapes together. By learning to communicate more effectively and understanding the underlying causes of their frustrations, couples can move from anger towards connection and empathy.

Why Choose Online Therapy?

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for in-person therapy sessions can be difficult. Online therapy provides a flexible, accessible way to address your emotional and mental health needs from the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, relationship issues, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the current climate of constant anger, our online clinic offers a safe and confidential space to explore these challenges.

The Path Forward

As we continue to navigate this age of anger, it’s essential to take steps to manage our emotional health. Therapy offers a way to not only understand the roots of our frustrations but also to transform them into meaningful growth. Whether through CBT, psychodynamic psychotherapy, or couples therapy, the Online Therapy Clinic is here to help you calm the storm and find peace in today’s turbulent world.

If you’re feeling the weight of today’s tensions and are ready to take the first step towards change, reach out to us. Together, we can work through the anger and find a path to healing.

Visit our website to learn more about our services and to book your first session with Dr Ruxandra Ion or myself, Ari Sotiriou.

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