The Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion Effect is a psychological phenomenon in which expectations about an individual influence their performance. From a psychoanalytic perspective, the Pygmalion Effect results from unconscious processes and motivations that shape our beliefs and attitudes towards others, influencing our behaviour towards them.

The psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the importance of unconscious thoughts and feelings in shaping behaviour. The Pygmalion Effect can be seen as an example of how unconscious beliefs and expectations can become self-fulfilling prophecies, influencing the behaviour of the observed individual.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a treatment approach that utilizes psychoanalytic theory to help individuals gain insight into their unconscious thoughts and feelings. Through this process, individuals can better understand how their beliefs and expectations about themselves and others affect their behaviour.

In the context of the Pygmalion Effect, psychodynamic psychotherapy can help individuals identify and explore the unconscious beliefs and expectations that may be limiting their potential. By gaining awareness of these beliefs, individuals can begin to challenge and revise them, allowing for more positive and adaptive behaviour.

For example, students with internalized negative beliefs about their academic ability may unconsciously expect to perform poorly on exams and assignments. This expectation can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, leading to actual poor performance. The student can explore and challenge these negative beliefs through psychodynamic psychotherapy, leading to a more positive self-image and improved academic performance.

In conclusion, the Pygmalion Effect manifests unconscious processes that shape our beliefs and attitudes towards others, which can then influence our behaviour towards them. Psychodynamic psychotherapy can help individuals gain insight into these unconscious processes, allowing them to challenge and revise limiting beliefs and expectations, leading to more positive behaviour and outcomes.

By Ari Sotiriou M.A. psychodynamic psychotherapist co-founder Online Therapy Clinic

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